Fig Pizza with Balsamic Onions and Gorgonzola Recipe

Fig Pizza with Balsamic Onions and Gorgonzola Recipe

Indulge in the delightful flavors of this fig pizza with balsamic onions and Gorgonzola recipe. This exquisite concoction combines sweet and savory elements, making it a perfect choice for a unique and delicious meal.

fig pizza with balsamic onions and Gorgonzola recipe

Fig Pizza with Balsamic Onions and Gorgonzola Recipe

Try this unique fig pizza with balsamic onions and Gorgonzola recipe for a mouthwatering culinary adventure!
Prep Time 20 minutes
Cook Time 12 minutes
Total Time 32 minutes
Servings 4 slices
Calories 400 kcal


  • 1 pizza dough store-bought or homemade
  • 6 fresh figs sliced
  • 1 cup caramelized balsamic onions
  • 1 cup gorgonzola cheese crumbled
  • Fresh arugula for garnish
  • Olive oil for drizzling
  • Salt and pepper to taste


  • Preheat your oven to 450°F (232°C) and place a pizza stone or baking sheet inside to heat.
  • Roll out the pizza dough into your desired shape and thickness.
  • Drizzle olive oil over the dough and spread the caramelized balsamic onions evenly.
  • Add the sliced figs and crumbled gorgonzola cheese.
  • Season with salt and pepper.
  • Transfer the pizza onto the preheated pizza stone or baking sheet and bake for 10-12 minutes, or until the crust is golden and the cheese is bubbly.
  • Remove from the oven, garnish with fresh arugula, and drizzle with a bit more olive oil.
  • Slice and serve.


  1. Figs Varieties: You can use fresh or dried figs for this recipe. Fresh figs are wonderful during their peak season in late summer and early fall, while dried figs work well year-round.
  2. Balsamic Reduction: The balsamic reduction should be thick and syrupy, so take your time simmering it. If it thickens too much, you can always add a touch of water to reach the desired consistency.
  3. Pizza Dough: You can use store-bought pizza dough for convenience or make your own. If using store-bought, allow it to come to room temperature for easier handling.
  4. Cheese Substitutions: If gorgonzola isn't your favorite, you can substitute it with other soft cheeses like goat cheese or even mozzarella for a milder flavor.
  5. Customization: Feel free to add some arugula or spinach leaves to your fig pizza after baking for a fresh, peppery contrast.
  6. Oven Temperature: Ensure your oven is properly preheated to achieve that crispy pizza crust.
  7. Serving: This pizza pairs beautifully with a light salad or can be served as an appetizer for gatherings. Enjoy!

Why Make Fig Pizza with Balsamic Onions and Gorgonzola Recipe?

This recipe offers a delightful combination of sweet figs, tangy balsamic onions, and creamy gorgonzola cheese, creating a unique and satisfying flavor profile.

How Difficult Is It To Make Fig Pizza with Balsamic Onions and Gorgonzola Recipe?

This recipe is surprisingly easy to make, whether you’re a seasoned cook or a beginner. With store-bought pizza dough, it’s a breeze!

How Does Fig Pizza with Balsamic Onions and Gorgonzola Recipe Taste?

The figs add a natural sweetness, while the balsamic onions provide a tangy contrast. The gorgonzola cheese ties it all together with its creamy richness. It’s a taste sensation you won’t want to miss.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I use dried figs instead of fresh ones?

Fresh figs are recommended for this recipe as they provide a juicier and more vibrant flavor.

Can I make this pizza vegetarian?

Absolutely! Omitting meat in this recipe won’t compromise its deliciousness.

Can I substitute gorgonzola with another cheese?

While gorgonzola adds a unique flavor, you can experiment with other blue cheeses if you prefer.

How do I caramelize balsamic onions?

To caramelize onions, cook thinly sliced onions in a pan with a bit of olive oil and balsamic vinegar until they turn soft and brown.

Can I add prosciutto or bacon for extra flavor?

Yes, adding some crispy prosciutto or bacon can complement the sweet and savory elements of this pizza.

Try Our Fig Pizza with Balsamic Onions and Gorgonzola Recipe

Our fig pizza with balsamic onions and gorgonzola recipe is a delightful and easy-to-make dish that offers a perfect blend of flavors. Whether you’re enjoying it as a weeknight treat or serving it to guests, it’s sure to impress with its unique taste.

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